{Giveaway} Paper Coterie

let's talk about todays' giveaway, shall we?

i'm so glad we were introduced to the brand new...
Paper Coterie
"Paper Coterie is a circle of friends who are passionate about documenting the beauty of life well lived."

let me tell you why that is.
if you are a reader of eighteen25, 
you know that we love our family.
we love getting together,
taking photos
and cherishing the memories!

they must also because they have pages of little treasures to help document those moments!
here are a few of my favorites (and it's just a few)...



i've just barely scratched the surface...
they also have photo books, journals, swatchbooks, guest books and recipe books!
so, to see more you must visit paper coterie yourself!

and you will want to because they told us EVERYTHING is 50% off the whole month of april!
pretty sweet, right!
(just enter betalemonade at checkout)
Dream A Little Dream - Girl

and if that isn't enough...
 lucky people will get to choose one free item from their website!
(shipping not included)

so let's enter, shall we?
(to enter you must be a follower of eighteen25)
first entry:
 visit paper coterie and come back to tell us what you would choose if you're one of the winners.
second entry:
 "like" them on facebook and tell them hello while you are there.

good luck!
as always, we'll announce the winner sunday!

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