Christmas Shopping with our #Intel2in1

Sometimes it's just easier to stay put while you do your Christmas shopping. While I love to fight the traffic and join in on the hustle and bustle, sitting on the couch with a cozy blanket and some hot cocoa makes shopping much more enjoyable.

This year we helped our Mom do all of her Christmas shopping online, with her sitting right next to us.  It was a breeze on our new Intel 2 in 1.  We jumped from site to site, comparing prices and scouring over reviews and had it done in a snap.  It's so nice having a touch screen while scrolling through products!

And let me add, she's so happy with us now that she doesn't have to worry about the shopping part of Christmas. (I must say, we are all pretty jealous!)

How do you do your Christmas shopping?  At home or store to store?

#spon: I'm required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel This could include Intel providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment.

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